Research Grants
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. Principal Investigator. Sensitizing Police Force & Lawmakers on women’s rights in reproductive health, 2002-2004, Ford Foundation.
Prawitasari Hadiyono, J.E. Principal Invesitigator. Developing community awareness toward women’s reproductive rights and health through integrated reproductive health services, 2004-2006, Ford Foundtion.
Prawitasari, J.E. Principal Investigator. The application of psychotherapy in organization and community, February-July 2007, UGM: Competitive Grant for teaching innovation.
Prawitasari, J.E. Principal Investigator. The concept of humanity to cope with natural disaster: action research in Bantul Regency, September 2007- February 2008. UGM, Faculty of Psychology: Competitive Grant for action research from PHKA3.
Prawitasari, J.E. Prinicipal Investogator. Happy stage as a back up toward reconstruction of housing program and manage conflict in the village. June-December 2007. UGM: Competitive Grant from Research and Community Service Institution.
Prawitasari, J.E. Internal Evaluator to the Ford Foundation Network for integrated recovery program from natural disaster in Bantul Regency. Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF): June-November 2007.
Prawitasari, J.E. Vignettes of the Berliners. Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), July-September, 2008.
Prawitasari, J.E. Co-Investigator with Manfred Zaumseil (INA Berlin, Germany) as the Principal Investigator and Gavin Sullivan (Monash University, Melbourne, Atustralia) as co-investigator. Individual and collective ways of coping long-term with extreme suffering and external help after natural disaster. Thirty months later: Narratives about life after the earthquake in Bantul, Yogyakarta. The Thyssen Foundation: 2008-2010 (in the process of requesting extention to 2011)
Prawitasari, J.E.. Empathic Caring Consultation (ECC) and the rational use of analgesics to improve the quality of care in primary health centers. Faculty of Psychology, UGM Professor’s grants. April-August, 2009